Would you rather read "Fiction" or "Non-Fiction"?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

December's School Donation Item Is.....

Jiffy Cornbread or any other Jiffy muffin mix!

Donations will be collected during the month of December for the local food bank

Thank you




for donating stuffing for the November food drive...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Boosterthon Fun Run Follow-up Info

Dear Parents,

Our Epic Adventure was a complete and total success! I wanted to thank the parents who were able to come out and cheer our class on. Our class came in 2nd in the grade level with a total amount pledged for our class of: $2783.50!!! WOW that is Awesome! We did come in 1st for the most states (16 out of 50) that got pledges including 3 countries (Brazil, Spain, Venezuela).

Please remember that all pledges are due by Tuesday, November 29th. Return in the Boosterthon envelope that was provided.

Hope everybody have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!

Gobble, Gobble (that's thank you in TURKEY)

Ms. McDonnell

Please see the note below from our Classroom Room Mother's

Dear Parents,

Daylynne Eyster (Elijah’s mom) and I, Heather Boynton (Caroline’s mom) are the co-homeroom parents this year. We are very excited to help out Ms. McDonnell in whatever way she needs. Our class is a really sweet group!

In an effort to save trees and time, we would like to communicate with as many parents as possible by email. If you have an email address you are willing to share, please send it to Daylynne at daylynne@gmail.com as soon as possible. Your email will only be used by us to give and receive information about Ms. McDonnell’s class.

If you have questions, please feel free to call me or Daylynne at the phone numbers listed below.

Thank you,
Daylynne Eyster (904) 327-0054
Heather Boynton (904) 379-8272

Friday, November 18, 2011

This Week's Stuffing Donation Thanks Go Out To...




Donations will be collected until Wednesday November 30th if you would still like to contribute.

In Our Class Nov. 22-25

There will be no homework for the week of Nov 22-25!

Monday- Art
Tuesday- All Student Library Checked-Out Books Are Due Back Before Thanksgiving Break!(Today!)
Wednesday- No School
Thursday- Thanksgiving...No School
Friday- No School

Please note that there will be no school on Monday November 28th as well.
Homework for the week of Nov 28-Dec 2 will be sent home on Tuesday November 22nd due back on December 2nd.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Boosterthon Info...


The Bartram Springs Boosterthon Fun Run is tomorrow! We would love to invite parents, grandparents, friends, and neighbors to come experience the fun!Here are the times for the Boosterthon Fun Runs:
(Notice a slight time change: The 4th & 5th grade run will be moved 15 minutes earlier)
8:45am K & 1st
10:00am 2nd & 3rd
11:00am 4th & 5th

Big News!The Boosterthon Team has decided to keep pledging open one more night, meaning there is a bonus nights to get pledges! You can visit www.FunRun.com and enter any final pledges. Our Class is currently at $77 per lap, we are currently second behind in the school another class is at $78 per lap. Let's see if we can win overall for the whole school!

Thank you parents!

We hope to see you at the Fun Run tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Our Class is in the lead for the WHOLE School!!!!


The Boosterthon Fun Run is only two days away! We would love to invite parents, grandparents, friends, and neighbors to come experience the fun!

As we come to the home stretch our team is all the way up to $ 61 per lap. Our goal is $70 per lap. We've now gotten pledges from 11 different states and 3 different countries!

Here are the times for the Boosterthon Fun Runs:
8:45am K & 1st
10:00am 2nd & 3rd
11:15am 4th & 5th

Big News!Tonight is the LAST NIGHT to get pledges, so please visit www.FunRun.com and enter any final pledges to help build sidewalk coverings, install outside water fountains, and purchase much-needed classroom supplies.

Thank you parents! We hope to see you at the Fun Run on Friday!

Serving Schools,
Ms. McDonnell

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We Are The Champions!!!!....of the Boosterthon Kickball Contest

Attention Parents....Thank you for all of your support in keeping our class on the right track toward winning the school wide Boosterthon Fun Run. Last night's challenge was to see which class could get the most pledges and guess what...WE WON!

Our class was the proud winner of a KICKBALL game with the Boosterthon crew this afternoon. See the photo above of the first ever Bartram Springs Elementary Kickball Champions!

(BTW we beat the guys)

Go Ms. McDonnell's Marathon Runners!!!

Keep those pledges coming!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday's Boosterthos Update!


Thank you for your support of this year’s Boosterthon Fun Run! We are halfway through the program and the Boosterthon Fun Run is quickly approaching. At half-time our team is up to $36 per lap. Our goal is $50 per lap. We’ve also gotten pledges from 9 different states and one Country! Remember, funds raised from the Boosterthon Fun Run will go toward building sidewalk coverings, outside water fountains and purchasing new classroom supplies.

The students are having a blast learning about TEAMWORK through the EPIC ADVENTURE theme! Today we learned that great teams PLAY outside together and exercise regularly to keep our bodies healthy and strong.

Also, this year students have an opportunity to give back through "Operation Playground!" For every student that reaches $10 per lap, the Boosterthon team will be making a donation to help build a playground at a school in Guatemala. The Boosterthon team's goal is to build 3 playgrounds this year! For more information about how Bartram Springs students are helping change the world go to boosterthoninfo.com/bartramsprings or you can visit the following link: http://www.vimeo.com/26350232
Thanks again for your help and support of our class!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Boosterthon Weekend Challenge

The students are having a blast learning about teamwork from the Boosterthon Fun Run team! So far this week, we learned about how important it is to Encourage others around us and make others stronger with our words. I hope that you are logging-on with your students each night and watching the Epic Adventure character videos as well as getting pledges to help our school.

This weekend the students have a Special Weekend Challenge! Any student who receives a NEW $3 per lap pledge (or a total of $90 donated) cumulative over the weekend will be rewarded with a special prize in addition to the other rewards he or she earns! Please help the school by encouraging your student to ask grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors, family friends, and local businesses to sponsor them in the Boosterthon Fun Run. Simply log on to www.funrun.com with your student's access code to enter any pledges.

Have a great weekend!

In our Class Nov. 14-18, 2011

Spelling Words Theme 4 Week 2
1. get
2. ten
3. red
4. pet
5. men
6. yes
7. tent
8. bell
9. she
10. write

Get Set Story: Zack and His Friends
Main Story (to be tested on Fri.)- Two Best Friends
Target Skills: Short /e/ words
Clusters with /s/

Monday- Music
Tuesday- Library book check out- Bring your library book back so you can check out a new book
**Zaxby's School Spirit Night 5-8***
Wednesday- Early Dismissal
Friday- Boosterthon Epic Adventure Fun Run!!

Don't forget that this month we are collecting "STUFFING" for a local food bank.

Thank you to the students whom have already donated:




Monday, November 7, 2011

November Scholastic Book Orders

Just a reminder that Scholastic online book orders are due no later than Wednesday November 9, 2011. Thank you for those who have placed an order. Every order helps increase the size and content of our classroom library to give the students a wide varietly of literature to read.

Thank you,
Ms. McDonnell

Thursday, November 3, 2011



Please send in any donations with your child to the classroom between November 1st-30th. The class with the most boxes of stuffing collected will win a prize from the 5th Grade F.L.I.G.H.T team.

Thank you in advance for your generosity,

Ms. McDonnell

Week of Nov 7-11, 2011 in our Classroom!

Spelling Words Theme 4 Week 1
1. on
2. not
3. got
4. box
5. hot
6. top
7. your
8. love
9. come
10. people

Get Set Story: Fluff is Missing

Main Story (to be tested on Fri.)- Go Away, Otto

Target Skills: Short /o/words
Clusters with /l/

This Week in our Class:
Monday- Art
Tuesday- Extra P.E. and Boosterthon pep-rally for fundraiser
Wednesday- Normal P.E.
Thursday- Testing Day (Spelling and Weekly Testing)
Friday- No School

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This week in our class: 10/31- 11/4

Spelling Words Unit 3 Week 3
1. trip
2. grab
3. crab
4. trap
5. green
6. grin
7. crack
8. brown
9. shred
10. breeze

Get Set Story: The Trip
Main Story: At the Aquarium
Target Skills:
Clusters with /r/
Contractions with (s)

Tuesday- Library
Wednesday- Early dismissal
Thursday- Music and Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night 5-8
Friday-Picture retakes