Would you rather read "Fiction" or "Non-Fiction"?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What a great start!


Thank you for all your assistance in making the start of your child's 1st grade year great!!
If you haven't finished filling out the papers in the folder (including pages in the code of conduct booklet) please do so as soon as possible.

Please have all supplies in to the classroom by Friday 8-26-11.

The homework didn't get copied off in time this week. I know it was sent home on Wednesday. If you can have it done by this Friday great but if you need more time I will collect it up until next Friday when H.W. # 2 is due.

Homework # 2 will go home tomorrow (Friday) and is due back on the following Friday (9-2-11)

I have sent home a Scholastic book flyer. This is such a great way for you to get your child excited about reading as well as help us earn FREE books for our classroom. This is how I build my classroom library to make a variety of book available for your children to enjoy. Even just buying 1 book (as low as $.99) can really make your child excited.

The resource schedule is going to be different then it was last year. We are on a track not a weekly rotation. So we will not have resource on the same day every week i.e. (Thursday = p.e. this will not happen the same every week anymore). Next week (8/29/11-9/2/11) we have a resource on Wednesday @ 12:40 (Music) that is the only resource for that week.

Please be sure to check the blog weekly for updates about the classroom.

Thank you,
Ms. McDonnell