Would you rather read "Fiction" or "Non-Fiction"?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On-line Students @ home resources


  Reflex math has been a HUGE success in motivating students to be excited about math as well as work on a computer and learn life skills such as typing etc.  As you are aware Reflex math is used to reinforce math fact fluency both at school as well as at home.

Destination Success is something that county uses to reinforce phonics/reading skills learned in the classroom.  I would like to encourage each of you to allow your children to log on to:


You will then enter your child's student number as well their password.  I have written the information on a sheet of paper for you to keep @ home it was placed in their yellow take home folder today.  Spring Break is a perfect time to let your child explore on this site.  Anytime you have a few extra minutes allow your child to log into this site it is fun and educational at the same time.

If you have any questions please let me know,

Thank you,
Ms. McDonnell

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week of March 11, 2013...

Spelling Words Theme 8 Week 2

1. cow

2. house

3. down

4. now

5. found

6. out

7. pouch

8. crowded

9. yellow

10. orange

Main Story: (To be tested on Friday)- Butterfly

Target Skills: Vowel Patterns ow, ou ; Main Idea, Details, Summarizing

Vocabulary skill: Science Words, Color and Pattern Words

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Yankee Candle Schoolwide Fundraiser

PLEASE support our school by participating in the Yankee Candle fundraiser.  Your participation helps to raise funds for our school.  This is not a PTA sponsored fundraiser it is a SCHOOL fundraiser that will get additional supplies needed for use in the classrooms. The fundraiser deadline is Monday March 18th.  Thank You!

1st Grade Spring Fling

The First Grade Spring Fling will be held on Friday, March 22.  We will have an egg hunt from 1:00-2:00 p.m. on the school track.  Your child will need six plastic eggs stuffed with candy or small treats.  Please select a hard candy such as jelly beans so that the candy does not melt in the hot sun.  The plastic eggs need to have your child's first and last name on all six eggs written with a black permanent marker.  Eggs also need to be taped closed so that they do not open in the grass. Please send in the eggs on or before Monday, March 18th.  You are welcomed to join us.  If you can help "hide" eggs, please let me know.

*** Please have your child bring in a basket or bag on the day of the egg hunt to gather his/her eggs.

Family Fitness Night March 19th

March 19th from 6-8 is Family Fitness Night which is an evening of action-packed events that gives our faculty, students, and families a chance to come out and play together while learning the importance of staying active and making health everyday decisions. This goal of this evening is to promote healthier lifestyles, while also acting as a fundraiser for the Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation.  If you are not familiar with the Jay Fund Foundation, PLEASE read the information below. We are raising money for this Foundation in two ways: Hearts and Hands Donations and Themed Baskets.

Hearts and Hands: Are available for purchase from March 4th to March 15th. For only $1.00 each, students will be able to dedicate their Hearts or Hands to loved ones faced with the challenges of cancer (there is no limit on the number of Hearts and Hands an individual may purchase). The dedications will be displayed by a large banner during Family Fitness Night and for the remainder of the year inside the school.

Themed Baskets: Each classes is being asked to prepare a themed gift basket with items donated by each student. The collection period for the baskets will begin February 27th and conclude March 14th. Our Class theme is "COOKING".  Any donations that you can send in that go along with this theme would be extremely appreciated. All donations are due to me on later than March 14th.  If you send something in please be sure to list the value so I can calculate the total cost of the basket.  The baskets will then be collected and raffled off through a silent auction during Bartram’s Family Fitness Night, March 19th.

Spring Individual Pictures and Class Pictures

Next Tuesday, March 12, we will be taking spring pictures and class pictures. I have put the flyers in your child's yellow take home folder, as well as order forms. The order forms are for individual pictures, and are prepaid only. If your child do not return this form by Tuesday, they will not have an individual picture taken. Everyone will be included in the class picture, and order forms for this will go out about a week after they are taken. If you have any questions please e-mail me @ mcdonnellv@duvalschools.org

Thank you,
Ms. McDonnell

Monday, March 4, 2013

March Collection Item is.....

For the month of March we will be collecting boxed Macaroni and Cheese.  Our class is always so generous lets keep that giving spirit going for the remainder of the school year.  It is a great opportunity to teach our children/students the importance of giving to others and paying it forward.

March 4-8, 2013

Spelling Words Theme 8 Week 1

1. cup

2. frog

3. tree

4. cups

5. frogs

6. trees

7. gloves

8. birds

9. bathroom

10. homework

Main Story: (To be tested on Friday)- The Forest

Target Skills: Base Words an Endings –s, -ed, -ing

Vocabulary skill: Compound Words and Nature Words